At its founding in 1972, The Arc of Somerset County could not have imagined the challenges we encounter today. And forty years from now, we will face problems we cannot presently foresee. Planned gifts will provide The Arc with financial resources to prepare ourselves to deal with those challenges now and into the future.
Through their generosity, members of the Realizing Dreams Legacy Society allow The Arc to continue to address the lifelong needs of families in the Somerset County area who have a child, sibling or loved one with a disability. In this way, planned giving can be considered a gift that today’s families will pass on to the families of tomorrow.

Members of the Realizing Dreams Legacy Society are recognized as outstanding philanthropic leaders. They receive special recognition, as well as invitations to all Arc events including any exclusive Legacy Society events. Members also receive Arc memberships and publications.
There are two ways to become a member of the Realizing Dreams Legacy Society. First, donors that include The Arc in their estate plan are eligible for membership. Alternatively, donors can make a multi-year pledge of at least $500 per year for at least 5 years.
Please contact the Development Department at The Arc today in order to list your name among the many who are committed to ensuring that all individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities are able to realize their dreams.
The Arc of Somerset County Thanks Our Partnerships in the Somerset County Community:
RWJ University Hospital Far Hills Race Meeting